-together for change
TBEhub offers its partners Global Best Technology & Science solutions through collaboration. This approach allows us to balance the two often competing interests of conservation and commercial development.
TBEhub allows our Blue Economy Trust to increase the capacity of SDG-14 conservation organisations by hosting various projects, webinars and Funds, to effectively connect regional and community based non-profits with the practical multi-national support/resources that they need.
Join the community under any of the following groups ...
Membership Groups
Local Stakeholders and Partners
(association or group or business or interested party whos` skills align to the Blue Economy)
COMMUNITIESThe key-drivers of change and the powerhouse behind the Blue Economy community and the UN`s initiative to introduce SDG-14.
UN AGENCYThe International policy maker and co-ordinator for SDG-14 efforts.
INDUSTRYShipbuilding design/repair, fabrication, material suppliers, inland waterway logistics, aquaculture, fisheries, port authorities, coastal & marine tourism, marine biotechnology, marine commerce, marine ICT, marine renewable energy (wind, wave, solar, Biomass), land reclamation.
RESEARCH/EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONSData gathering & analysis, Research, Development & DATA Resource sharing.
NGOs and NON PROFIT ORGANISATIONSProvide funding, motivation, community focal points and other resources.
FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONSEasier access to funding for Blue Economy entrepreneurs with approved projects.
TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPERSInnovations in Biotechnology & SMART energy etc.
LEGAL ADVISORSEstablishing water bodies as legal entities, enabling communities or other stakeholders to take legal action independently when Govts fail to enforce legislation.
SCHOOLS/YOUTH GROUPSSocial Awareness & community motivation.
MEDIA GROUPSAwareness, Social responsibility & reporting community wins, events, etc.
TBEhub & India
The Blue Economy Hub Trust, is the first and only Indian organisation to be involved in connecting international Donors with Indian stakeholder Partners, to fulfill its UN SDG-14 responsibilities.
Right from the start it was difficult for us to limit Partners to just one country, as the first Blue Economy Hub projects involved Norway, Spain, Portugal and India. So for this reason you can now register from any country, although our core strength still remains in India and its 1.3 Billion people community.
Partnering is done through our Resource Hub, simply register your organisation here for FREE and tell us about your eco-solution or your Local stakeholder area of expertise and let us evaluate how we can best get things moving for you to benefit from Blue Economy goals and our network partners.