-racing to slow it down
Fishing, fisheries and aquaculture are our number two priority since these are directly linked to the negative environmental impacts created by Shipping.
It follows that as less fish become available in the seas and oceans of the world, alternative methods of raising fish will need to be sustainably developed.
Aquaculture has been around for thousands of years but it has never been done as intensively as it is practiced today. Mainly due to the huge size of our current population-almost 8 Billion people!
This intensive fish farming will need to undergo further changes, moved inland away from the acidic sea-waters, capacity vastly increased, and methods improved to ensure that a nutritious adult fish, capable of further breeding is produced.
If this is to be successful it needs to be financially viable for the fish farmer in terms of the capital outlay and the residual income, We have teamed up with our hub partners to deliver solutions that are both profitable and sustainable from day one. If you have solutions in this area we want to connect with you!